Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Adding Custom Code to SSRS


SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services has techniques for developing reports that can have their own code and also can access code from custom librarys i.e., the reports can have complex logic of their own or from a library. Earlier, if we look at any report, it will have a designer for creating the layout and some method through which we can assign the data for the report. [For example: DataSource for a report
So, when a report is executed, the data is populated and assigned to the report for display. Reporting services add one more step to this process i.e., now the reports can now think and perform operations depending on the data.
In this post , we will see first look at the option that allows adding code and creating objects for accessing the DLL code.
Adding code
· Create a report or open an existing report. Open the Report Properties option from the Report menu. Dialog box opens.

· The Code tab is used to add the code. This code can contain a class or functions. Only VB .NET can be used.

· The References tab is used to specify the external DLLs to be used. This DLL can be created in any language.

· The important step in the References tab is the creation of the objects. The DLL functions can be accessed using the object name specified.

To Remember:
· If a DLL is using some additional libraries, it has to be added as a reference. For example, System.Xml has to be referenced if any XML functions are used. · Only the functions returning basic data-types [like string, integer] are supported. · Custom DLL has to be copied to the \Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies folder of VS 2005 installation. [Example: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies]. The DLL has to be referenced in the References tab from this path only. · Each time modifications are done to the DLL, the new version has to be copied to the above folder. · Keyword code to be used while accessing the custom code. · The function/property has to be fully qualified including the object name. · The functions can also take values as parameters, which can be any field from a dataset or user specified value.

This example will show how to add and use the code in the reports. Also, the use of DLL will be shown. The sample DLL for this example is created in C# 2005. Create a new report [name of the report is TestReport.rdl] and open the Report Properties from the Report menu. Add the following code in the Code tab:
PUBLIC CLASS TestVB FUNCTION MyFunction AS STRING RETURN "Value returned through a FUNCTION from Code Tab." END FUNCTION PUBLIC READONLY PROPERTY MyProperty() AS STRING GET RETURN "Value returned through a PROPERTY from Code Tab." END GET END PROPERTY END CLASS FUNCTION MyFunction1 AS STRING RETURN "Value returned through a FUNCTION from Code Tab [No class]." END FUNCTION

The code contains a CLASS having a function and a property in VB 2005. Remember that you can add as many functions/properties. This functions/properties can be part of a class or can exist without class. If a class is present, then an object is required to be created for accessing the functionality. If no class, then it can be accessed directly. Add this code in the Code tab.

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